Be a Voice for Faculty, Staff, Students and Administrators
TABPHE's vision is to ensure that the higher education system in Texas provides opportunities and advancement for personnel while fostering a positive environment for students to successfully matriculate.
Texas Association for Black Personnel in Higher Education
The East Texas A&M Chapter of the Texas Association for Black Personnel in Higher Education (TABPHE) benefits you as a faculty or staff member by providing support and resources to help you serve your students and the surrounding community.
The organization is open to all faculty and staff members at East Texas A&M. We invite you to join us for monthly meetings, service projects, and to help us guide and honor our faculty, staff and students, and celebrate their successes.
TABPHE is a statewide, voluntary educational association that represents all levels of higher education and serves as a voice for faculty, staff, students and administrators in order to ensure a better educational system for all. TABPHE provides an avenue for professional development opportunities that enrich higher education personnel and improve the quality of their professional growth.
TABPHE Executive Committee Meetings First Thursday of each month at 1:30 p.m. ZOOM |
TABPHE General Meeting September 29, 2023, at 12 noon ZOOM Meeting ID: 931 1556 6778. |
TABPHE 51st Annual State Conference February. 11-14, 2024 in Frisco, TX Dr. LaVelle Hendricks, TABPHE State President Early Registration (until October 31, 2023) Embassy Suites & Conference Center, Frisco 7600 John Q. Hammons Drive Frisco, TX 75034 REGISTER: TABPHE’s 51st Annual State Conference |
Meet our Leadership
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Contact Us
- Texas Association for Black Personnel and Professionals in Higher Education (TABPHE)
- TABPHEtamuc@gmail.com
- P.O. Box 3011
- Commerce, TX 75429-3011